– Acupuncture –
Acupuncture is the technique of inserting very fine needles into specific points on the body. Acupuncture has the ability to influence the bodies own healing ability aiding in the relief of various symptoms and illnesses. Acupuncture has been proven effective and safe. It can relieve pain and is approved by the American Medical Association and endorsed by the World Health Organization. Many people find acupuncture to be relaxing.
– Effective Treatment-
Acupuncture has been shown to be highly effective in the treatment of many health issues. Best of all it is noninvasive and drug free. The World Health Organization lists over 40 health issues for which acupuncture is effective. The key to health and healing is often a matter of tapping into your own inner pharmacy. Chemicals and hormones are released, enzymes are produced and your cells are working to heal and restore your body to health every day. Acupuncture can help your body to tap into that inner pharmacy to promote healing and restore health.